Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Diagnosing the housewives

I'll be honest, I watch the real housewives joints much like most people watch bestiality videos. Curtains gets closed. Volume gets turned down. There is a healthy, and well-earned, dose of shame and embarrassment involved. And yet, I must admit in all my lapsed Catholic confessional glory, I am mesmerized. I have been discussing it in public. I have read the blogs. I have googled. I have discussed people's twitters. No shit. I am out of the closet, people. And it is liberating.

Real Housewives of NY, hereby dubbed the RHONY, is a fiasco that has collided with the clusterfuck to become a very messy trainwreck. I love it. Every disgusting insane minute of it. I think Ghoulie summed it up best with one word: schadenfreude. It is incredibly satisfying to watch a former supermodel lose her shit over some socialites. These are adult women. Fighting about nothing. Watching Kelly Bensimon slowly unravel has been hard to watch, and also riveting.

Jellybeans. Zipits. Al Sharptons. Oh my.

I am not sure I have ever done such extreme 180s about my opinions on people. I love my position as armchair psychologist, and so when Kelly was losing her shit, I was googling personality disorders. Borderline? Uh...hmmmm...not quite. When the Countess was trying to talk Jill Zarin out of the little hop to St. Johns, I had narcissist personality disorder in the wiki. So imagine my delight when I found this incredible blog. A Real Housewive's Point of View. Putting her psychology degree to use. I think I have to agree with the commenter who suggested Bipolar disorder with psychotic features.

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